Conscious Pilot

Conscious Pilot

Conscious Pilot was founded by Joe Laycock and Jack Sharp as a successor to theatrical punk group Cheap Teeth, the pair birthed the project from their joint love of immersive, beat-driven soundscapes and an exploration of subtle shifts. The band was signed to DevilDuck Records in 2023 and released their debut EP, “Epoxy Plains”, on March 8th, 2024. The EP is a real time snapshot of the initial conceptualization of this new project, expertly packaged by producer Matt Peel at the Nave in Leeds.

After recording the debut EP ‘Epoxy Plains’ in their native West Yorkshire, the pair moved to Glasgow and enlisted the services of acclaimed producer Chris McCrory (Catholic Action, Walt Disco) and guitarist Emmy Leishman (Big Girls Blouse). The group will be releasing their follow up EP later this year, off the back of their latest single ‘Me & Marcel’.



EU Booking: Annibale
Luca Landi

Tour Dates

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  1. Invincible Wisent 3:39
  2. You're Not Trying Very Hard Marissa Burwell 3:29
  3. Das Theater Kommando Kant 3:00
  4. nutshell Would 3:44
  5. Try To Fail Again Palila 3:31
  6. What A Fool Am I Timesbold 3:01